The Office of Professional Standards, as directed by the Sheriff, accepts and investigates internal and external complaints against employees of the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office who may be in violation of policy and/or procedures. Policies and procedures are developed within the Office of Professional Standards and distributed to all Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office personnel, Reserve members and volunteers. All personnel are held to these standards to ensure that professional service, courtesy, and protections are provided to all our citizens, those incarcerated and visitors.
Internal Affairs
The mission of the Office of Internal Affairs is to protect the public trust and to maintain the integrity of the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office.
The policy of the Internal Affairs function is to conduct thorough, fair, and objective investigations.
During the course of an investigation, if a violation is suspected that may be criminal in nature, the investigation is forwarded to the WCSO Criminal Investigations Division for investigation. In this case, an internal investigation is run concurrently with the criminal investigation.
The WCSO became the first law enforcement agency in Florida in the history of accreditation to receive three accreditation certificates at the same time.
Wakulla was the third sheriff’s office in Florida and fifth agency in the entire state to be stamped with the prestigious FLA-TAC title from the Florida Telecommunications Accreditation Commission. In addition, the WCSO received accreditation certificates from the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission (FCAC) and the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA).
The Wakulla Sheriff’s Office received multiple visits from accreditation inspectors who reviewed policies and standards to make sure the sheriff’s office was providing the most professional and expert services in law enforcement, corrections and communications. The inspections included interviews with WCSO staff to determine how well they know their jobs and interviews with inmates to see how they are being treated and how they interact with WCSO staff.